children, writing

Using bullet journals to unlock writers block

Bullet journals are known as planners for creative personalities. Daily tasks, appointments and goals are released from the confines of stoic leather backed planners and cold digital apps. Instead, designs, boxes, pictures, and color explode onto the pages of bullet journals in a creative but orderly fashion, providing the perfect path for tracking life’s assignments.

Though I am a “creative”, I scoffed at this new phenomenon thinking it was just another way to waste time in order to doodle. I admit to being a bit of a free spirit when it comes to tracking my to do’s. Little sticky notes work just fine, thank you.

Recently, however, my attitude did a full 180 degree turn. My writing enthusiasm was at an all time low. I just couldn’t seem to work my way out of the dreaded writer’s block corner. So I started looking through the upcoming themes of magazines I’ve written for in the past. As I scanned themes, the idea of nature studies and bullet journaling collided in my head. Could I use this bullet journal trend to create an interesting article on nature studies? Hmm? Perhaps.

Of course, this required a shopping trip. I would need to research and try out the idea before actually writing the article. I would also have to enlist the help of my 15 year old son to be sure this was not just an adult idea that kids would hate.

We both chose our topics of research, mine mushrooms, his coding. Of course coding, right? Each day, we sat and created our journals together. Talking and drawing and coloring in ideas. I won’t go into detail about the how’s as there may be a magazine article to enjoy about that.

All, I can say, is I can’t wait to write about the process. I also can’t wait to share all my new found knowledge regarding mushrooms. I had no idea there were so many kinds.

Now, I find myself thinking of other ways to use my new found research process to keep track of things I’m interested in. Who knows, I may even decide to make lists, set goals and keep a calendar. Pfft. Naw. Just kidding.

1 thought on “Using bullet journals to unlock writers block”

  1. Yes! Journalling in whatever form is an awesome way to stay organised while learning how your mind works. I myself use a hybrid style of bullet journalling my monthly/daily spreads, and freewriting about the events that take place during the day. Thanks for sharing!


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